RPL, Online & Tailored Solutions

Recognition of
Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of recognising that you may be highly skilled and possess experience in a specific area or industry. If so, you may be eligible to enter one of our RPL programs, regardless of how, when or where the learning has occurred.

You can apply for one or more units through the RPL process, including the entire qualification.

You may have developed your competence through the following ways:

online training

More and more online learners prefer taking control of their own learning, in contrast to traditional classroom structures. Self-paced, on-demand online training has made its way into digital education.

Self-paced learning allows participants to set their own schedules around their work-life and family commitments.

All you need to get started is access to:

We are very focused on adding value. How do we do this? Well, one way is to deliver tailored solutions. We understand that your business is unique. We are very focused on adding value and we we do that by working with you to deliver a customised training program, aligned with your business needs.

We’ll work with you as we do a ‘deep dive’ into your business so we understand what’s important to you and what you want to achieve. This may include:

romote a culture of continuous development and training

RTOs (Registered Training Organisations) such as Techskill Academy and Universities are audited regularly by the federal regulator ASQA (Australian Quality and Skills Authority) to ensure they meet nationally mandated standards for quality including consistency of course
content and delivery, corporate governance, professional standards, excellence, professional standards and ethics and ensuring training to students is of high quality.