How to become a project manager in the construction industry

Working as a project manager in the construction industry can afford you great job security, a healthy salary, and the chance to develop further leadership skills. So how can you become a construction project manager?

First, it’s important to understand why working as a project manager in the construction industry is a great career choice.

The Australian government’s Job Outlook estimates there are around 42,100 construction project managers working across the country, with demand very likely to increase in the future too. The construction industry is one of the country’s most important, employing around 1.2 million people. Project managers in the construction industry can earn up to $200,000 a year, and it can be a springboard to a position as a CEO.

Source: Australian government Job Outlook

So, now you know why working as a construction project manager is such an enticing job. What skills do you need, and what steps can you take to get there?

A project manager in the construction industry is responsible for overseeing every stage of a project. You will need to be in touch with internal and external stakeholders and make sure lines of communication are streamlined and easy to manage. You may be required to review architectural plans, co-ordinate and lead teams, manage work schedules, and procure key project resources.

Source: SEEK

One of the best ways to ensure you are prepared is by studying an online project management course, such as the Diploma of Project Management BSB50820. The course is designed by industry experts for people seeking to learn the key skills and knowledge to pursue a career as a project manager.

Importantly, the qualification is endorsed by the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM), the peak body for project management in Australia.

“AIPM endorses courses that consistently demonstrate outcomes aligned to a relevant Project Management methodology and which reflect industry standards and current best practice. These courses must show a commitment to professional development and evaluation of industry practices.” – Australian Institute of Project Management

Completing an AIPM endorsed online project management course can assist you in becoming a member, which includes numerous benefits, such as access to resources and mentorship.


If you are an experienced construction worker with a desire to take on more responsibility, you are ideally suited to following a career as a project manager. According to the Australian government Job Outlook people who are enterprising and practical are likely to be interested in a role as a construction project manager.

But, without the proper qualifications you may struggle to find work. AIPM said “a formal qualification in building or construction management is desirable, or at least five years of relevant experience” if you are hoping to take the next step in your career. You don’t want to risk missing out on work (and more money) because you lack the formal qualification.

Source: Australian government Job Outlook

If you think a career as a project manager in the construction industry is for you, take a FREE Skills Assessment now or get in touch with us to speak to one of our Education Consultants.

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